Admission with Advanced Standing
A student who has successfully completed work at an ABA-accredited law school and who otherwise meets the requirements for admission to the first-year class at SULC may be admitted to SULC with advanced standing.
A student seeking advanced standing must apply for admissions to SULC using the normal admissions process, including the Candidate Assembly Service. In addition, a transferring student must submit an official transcript from the student’s law school, a letter of good standing from the dean of the school, a letter from a professor at the law school from which he/she is transferring, and copies of the catalog course descriptions and syllabi for all courses for which the applying student is requesting credit. Southern University Law Center reserves the right to refuse credits, in whole or in part, or to withdraw credit for prior work. A maximum of 30 credit hours completed at a non-ABA-accredited law school may be accepted for credit at SULC. Students who have been excluded from other law schools because of scholastic deficiencies will not be admitted with advanced standing.