Message from the Chancellor

We, at the Southern University Law Center (SULC), are pleased that you have chosen us to begin preparation for your legal career. This catalog is a valuable resource to guide you through your matriculation at the Southern University Law Center. It includes a wealth of information about our admissions requirements, tuition and fees, degree course requirements, financial aid, policies, and procedures, as well as an introduction to a variety of course materials. In addition, you will find information about our dedicated law faculty and staff.
These courses will provide and equip you with the intellectual knowledge and skills necessary to secure your juris doctorate and bar admission. We know that your time spent here at SULC will prepare you for leadership in the legal arena and the community at large. The SULC faculty and staff have made a commitment to provide you with encouragement, wise counsel, and valuable mentoring throughout your law school experience. It is important that you see the time you will spend here at SULC as the most important investment you will ever make in your legal career.
Since its inception in 1947, the Law Center has prided itself in its mission of providing access and opportunity to all people. We look forward to your joining in our fight against social injustice, for civil rights and the public interest. Again, we are delighted about your interest in SULC, and we look forward to adding your name to the over 4,000 other alums who are now part of the legacy of the Southern University Law Center.
John Pierre
Chancellor and Vanue B. Lacour Endowed Professor of Law